How will Thera support my relative?

Owing to the change in Government Coronavirus guidance, this page is currently under review.

This page was last updated on: 24 September 2020, 4.11pm

How will Thera support people if they have to stay at home and self-isolate?

We will be supporting people to self-isolate if they have symptoms or if they have been asked to self-isolate, for example by the local council or before a hospital appointment.

The guidance for Supported Living and Thera Group’s Pandemic Influenza and Infection Control policies tell support teams how to do this, which describes the proper use of personal protective equipment when supporting someone who has symptoms of COVID -19.

These policies also explain how to support people in the house, manage cleaning and laundry.

As soon as someone in a shared household shows symptoms staff will need to support the whole household (the people living there, not working there), to follow the Government’s stay at home guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.


Will building based day opportunities/hubs/cafés remain open? 

We are following the Government guidelines and have been busy looking at how we can make places COVID-19 secure.

Please refer to the local company pages for updates on the opening of these, or contact the local team for more information.


Will staff help my relative stay in touch with friends and family?

Many people we support will already call and skype relatives or use social media. If they don’t use these methods, support staff could help people keep in touch with family and friends. Please support people to consider and arrange these options using normal process to support people to make decisions around purchases.


Will planned health appointments change?

Yes. The individual will be supported to contact GPs and health centres by phone or on-line, where possible.

Be aware that non essential appointments and operations may be postponed. Check with GPs and consultants about planned appointments for people.

People must wear a face covering when going to hospital, either as a visitor or as an outpatient. However, some groups of people are exempt from wearing a face covering. Please see Government guidance for more information:


What does social distancing mean for how staff go about their work?

The Government’s social distancing guidance talks about social life and work and is trying to make it especially possible for key workers, including social care workers to continue.

However, the principles of social distancing are for everyone and we will encourage social distancing practices at work wherever possible. Where this is not possible, staff will be wearing the appropriate PPE.