About Gig Buddies with Thera Trust

Gig Buddies enables adults with a learning disability and autistic adults to live an active social life and get out to more gigs. We do this by pairing members to like minded volunteers to enjoy their shared passion together. We also work with a wide range of venues and arts organisations to make local events more welcoming for neurodivergent audience members, and offer our members a wide range of events and opportunities throughout the year.

Thera Trust currently deliver Gig Buddies in Edinburgh, West Lothian, and Glasgow.

The best way we can make the biggest impact is with as many people supporting us in as many ways as possible. No matter how you choose to support Gig Buddies, you’ll be powering lasting change on the live venue scene, founding friendships that will never fizzle out, and fueling nights out that will never be forgotten.

Choose below how to get involved!