When I started my role as a Team Coordinator it was the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, so I knew my role would be slightly different for the time being. Before joining Thera (Scotland) I had 5 years’ experience as a Coordinator at a college for people with a learning disability.
From both my experience and getting to know people at the college, I wanted to be able to help others and show that people with a learning disability are capable of more than what people assume.
As a Team Coordinator every day is different. Before COVID-19 some of the people I support spent their days in the community where they could get involved in activities. Due to the pandemic, they couldn’t attend the sessions they usually would go to. As a Team Coordinator my responsibility alongside my colleagues was to come up with creative ideas that were inclusive but fun for the people we support. This meant my job was full on from day 1.
My team and I came up with ideas that they could do every day which matched each individual’s likes and interests. There were workshops for baking and cooking, and arts and crafts. We took them on walks outdoors to enjoy the wildlife, they now have a sensory room, which they love and for those who enjoy music had a tablet to listen to their favourite music. Due to the days being busy for everyone, in the evenings it was the time to relax with a film on.
There are 5 people supported so across 5 evenings each person would choose their favourite meal to eat that day, then on Saturday they had a takeaway and then a lovely Sunday lunch to end the week.
Now that restrictions are lifting, the people we support are enjoying going back out into the community. It is great to see them back in the community, progressing and happy. I still enjoy seeing them in the mornings before they go out and at the weekends.
I would definitely say that the pandemic helped me with my role as it gave me the chance to be able to forward think. It allowed me to spend more time with the people we support, getting to know them more and their likes and dislikes. This has enabled me to deliver more person-centred support around their interests.