They discussed the Know your body resources that Thera have recently helped produce, which aims to encourage people to understand and conduct checks on their own bodies. The people of TCSL gave valuable feedback on how we can make these resources more accessible. This information will be used by Thera Trust’s communications team going forward.

The people supported by TCSL also gave ideas of similar resources that could prove beneficial around healthcare. Other ideas they had include focusing on healthy eating and cooking, physical exercise and staying warm and well in the winter.
Whilst they provided fantastic feedback on the “Know Your Body” resources and gave brilliant ideas on areas we can work on in the future, it was not all work! Following a lunch of pizza, they discussed what it was that made them happy. We came to the conclusion it was family, friends, walks and shopping (which is a good thing coming up to Christmas!).
The TCSL events also provide an opportunity for socialising. As well as the communications team getting to learn lots about the backgrounds and interests of the people attending, the people we support have the opportunity to catch up with friends and do crafts and arts. They are also able to discuss the support they receive. Kiran, TCSL’s service quality director says:
It is very important to us because it gives everyone a chance to voice their opinions and views in a safe and trusted environment. We also try and have the people there who can support any changes that may need to be made.