NHS West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the Wessex Academic Health Science Network developed RESTORE2TM. It is a tool to build your confidence to approach GPs and health professionals with soft signs of illness. It teaches that these soft signs are valid signals that a person is becoming unwell. Soft signs are subtle changes in a person’s behaviour. It could be a change in what they are eating, or how they engage with thing they normally like doing.
The training also gives you the knowledge of where and who within the health services you should contact. It helps you to use the right language so you can get your loved ones the right care at the right time.
STOMP (Stopping Over Medication of People with a learning disability, autism, or both) is a national initiative to stop the overuse of psychotropic medicines. People with a learning disability, autism, or both are more likely to be given these medicines than other people. STOMP is about helping people to stay well and have a good quality of life.
What will you learn?
We’ll train you to:
- Spot soft signs of illness in others
- Know who to call for healthcare help first
- Know what information to provide, how to communicate and what key words to use when speaking to health professionals.
- Build your confidence to deal with health professionals and when advocating for your loved ones.
Who is it for?
The training is aimed at family carers of people with a learning disability, autism, or both.
When will the training take place?
The two free training sessions will take place online on 7 June 2022 at 9:30AM and 1:30PM and will last for 2 hours.
*this project is funded by NHS England*