Wellbeing support and keeping in touch

This information was current at the time this page was last updated on: 29 December 2020, 10.48m[/panel]
Mental Health First Aiders
We have a number of Mental Health First Aiders across Thera Group. Details of your local Mental Health First Aider will be included in your letter from HR if you have to self-isolate, or you can get the details by emailing [email protected]
Every Mind Matters
The NHS has launched a website called ‘Every Mind Matters’ to provide support and resources which can help you to maintain good mental health.
Some of the resources include how to sleep better, tackling loneliness, and how to manage your mental wellbeing whilst working at home.
Better Health
The Government has advised that people who are very obese (BMI of 40 or above) can be at risk of complications if they get coronavirus. NHS has launched ‘Better Health’, a series of resources that aim to support people to improve their health.
Some of the resources include:
- losing weight
- stop smoking
- getting active
Employee Assistance Programme
As a Thera employee, you can access the Employee Assistance Programme. This gives you access to:
- 24-hour phone line counselling service with qualified counsellors
- practical financial and legal information
- general medical advice from nurses, pharmacists or midwives
Accessing the Employee Assistance Programme is free and confidential. Call 0800 174 319 to get started.
The Gr8 Chat and Brew
Paradigm have launched the Gr8 Chat and Brew, hosting group video calls that will keep people connected at a time when people are becoming increasingly isolated across the country: www.paradigm-uk.org/2020/03/20/the-gr8-chat-brew
Social media
Follow the Thera Trust social media pages to keep in touch:
Where can I go for more information?
You can find more information in your Thera Group COVID-19 briefing sheets and these are sent out to managers regularly. You can also find information on Thera’s website: www.thera.co.uk/contact/coronavirus
You can also find more information in your Company policies and modules:
- Pandemic Influenza
- Infection Control Policy
- Infection Control module 54
You can also get more information from: www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/