Meet the board

The Camden Society has a board who are locally accountable and responsive to the needs of the people we support and our staff teams.

Ben Lanes

Managing Director

Ben has worked with people with a learning disability for over 25 years. He is passionate about delivering great support, and he is very proud to have led teams that have been rated as Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission in his previous role.

Ben McCay

Service Quality Director

Kay Reeve


Kay has worked in adult social care (and sometimes in health) for the last 20 years and has a particular interest in supporting adults with a learning disability and/or Autism. As a self employed worker, Kay covers a variety of roles, working in different organisations, which makes life really interesting! Kay lives in Wiltshire with her family and Rex the dog! Having not found life in formal education very engaging, Kay isn’t formally qualified in very much at all but by giving lots of types of work a go has been lucky to find work that she loves! Kay has recently taken up learning to play the piano and is looking forward to playing “Jingle Bells” in her first concert in December 2023. Kay hopes that her work and life experience will help to make a meaningful contribution to The Camden Society in her role as a Non Executive Director.

Adrian Jarvis

Non-Executive Director

Adrian brings 35 years of business leadership experience to the board. He received his MBA from Nottingham Trent University and worked in the UK and US energy sectors in a variety of senior positions. He held responsibilities for establishing new companies, setting direction and operational development for long term, sustainable success. With family members who have a learning disability, he is keen to use his understanding and experience to help all the people we support to live the life they choose.

Katie Winn

Non-Executive Director

Katie is passionate about making sure people with a learning disability live good lives, believing we should all strive to get the very best outcomes for people by thinking outside the box and challenging the norm.

Katie’s professional experience includes HR, company operations, and development projects, including 6 years as Thera’s Head of Development, an equal leadership role which combines the skills and knowledge of a business development professional with the lived experience of someone with a learning disability.

Now Group Executive Director – Development and Innovation at Thera, Katie’s day to day role oversees the development of innovative support solutions for people with a learning disability, ensuring people have choice and control over their own lives.

Divyesh Gadhia

Non-Executive Director

Rose Payne

Non-Executive Director