History of The Quality Company

Who are The Quality Company?

The Quality Company is part of the Thera Group of companies. We employ Quality Assessors with a learning disability to conduct quality inspections of the homes of people with a learning disability supported by Thera, and other organisations.

The Quality Assessors are supported by Quality Supporters. Together, they create a report about the quality of support being offered to a person supported by Thera. The report is then shared with the Service Quality Director of the Thera Company. They then take steps to ensure that any issues are corrected as soon as possible.

What is the history of The Quality Company?

Thera’s first Service Quality Director started in 1999. His job was to assess and report on the quality of support Thera provided. He did this by regularly visiting people supported by Thera, finding out what they thought about their support and telling Thera’s board what he found out.

At this time, Thera supported people in three houses and only during the day. As the Thera company grew, it became more difficult to make visits to all the houses. It was decided that a Quality Development Group should be set up in 2003 to carry forward the quality assessing work. It was decided by the group that Thera should employ people with a learning disability to work as Quality Assessors.

In 2004, the Thera Quality Framework was a finalist in the Community Care Awards. It was a great recognition of the quality of the Framework.

Following the framework, it was decided that a new Thera company should specifically work to ensure quality standards. In 2007, The Quality Company was set up, and we’ve been quality checking support provided by Thera companies ever since!