Thera South West provides quality support to adults with a learning disability across Torbay
Who are Thera South West?
Thera South West is a branch of the Thera Trust, a charity with an important vision . We believe that people with a learning disability can be leaders in society and have a right to be heard.
Where Does Thera South West Cover in Torbay?
Thera South West are able to provide support across the South West of England including Torbay, Dorset, Devon, and Wiltshire.
Within Torbay, we offer support in areas including:
• Torquay
• Brixham
• Paignton
How Will Thera South West Support Me?
At Thera South West, we believe that you should have a choice in how we support you. We want you to have a say over where you live, what your house is like, and what you want to do in your spare time.
We aim to help you gain important skills to help you gain independence, such as cooking and cleaning. We also want to support you to do the things you love, whether it’s meeting new people, or attending events.
If you want to find a job or gain new skills, we can also support you to go to college or find a career that is the right fit for you!
How do I get Support from Thera South West?
If you would like to arrange your support from Thera South West, you can contact us, or you can arrange for it through your care manager or NHS team.
Click here to Contact Thera South West if you would like us to provide your support