Unity Futures will work with young people (16-25) with learning disability and autistic people with high levels of additional needs across Central London Boroughs who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). The programme will providing intense, personalised engagement to achieve progression and outcomes through a programme of 1:1 support from a Health and Wellbeing Coach and Employment Advisor.
How does the programme work?
Our initial health and wellbeing approach will focus on:
- Mental health and wellbeing, including anxiety and depression.
- Developing emotional coping strategies.
- Building confidence and a ‘circle of support.’
- Practical skills around travel, digital inclusion, budgeting.
In addition, individuals will receive additional support from our skilled Employment team around:
- Reviewing education, training and/or jobs that would match them best.
- Experience of work through visits, job fairs, taster sessions and placements.
- Support with applications, interview and in-work support.
- Evidencing their ‘distance travelled’ on the project.
How do I refer someone to Unity Futures?
Referrals are open to all who meet the above criteria and eligibility and can be made to Peter Hass, Referrals and Outreach Coordinator at [email protected]
This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.