Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing is at the heart of what we do. Developing skills, gaining qualifications, and getting jobs are much more successful if we feel safe, confident, and happy.

Health and Wellbeing can mean different things to different people.  We work with the people we support, their parents and carers to develop innovative community-based services and projects which support with:

  • Managing Mental Health
  • Managing Physical Health
  • Social Connections
  • Community Life
  • Self-Development

Our programmes support people to develop self-confidence, to learn new skills and to improve their understanding of their local community – how to access services, facilities and opportunities, so that they can make positive decisions about their lives.

These programmes support learners to develop skills around confidence, travelling unaccompanied using public transport, keeping healthy and managing emotions, employability, staying safe online and using social media, managing money and being active in the community.

Our courses are suitable for people with a learning disability who want to know more about work and wellbeing, who are thinking about finding a job, and people who are in work but want to improve their skills.

Find out more about the courses we are running this term in Greenwich.

For more information contact Laura Murphy, Health & Wellbeing Manager at